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OLANZ澳兰芝瘦身精油10ml 瘦身洁肤亮肤排毒 厂

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最后更新: 2018-11-22 06:23
65.00元/ 瓶
10 瓶
9980 瓶

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    澳兰芝玫瑰精油 保加利亚j纯天然植物精油 澳兰芝原装正品10ml装6.1狂欢特价56.00立即购买OLANZ柠檬精油 意大利纯天然植物精油 正品保障 厂家直销30ml装6.1狂欢特价89.50立即购买澳兰芝柠檬精油 意大利纯天然植物精华 天然美白精油 直销20ml装6.1狂欢特价80.00立即购买澳兰芝玫瑰精油 纯天然植物精油 原产地保加利亚 厂家直销20ml装6.1狂欢特价108.90立即购买澳兰芝柠檬精油 意大利纯天然植物精华 天然美白精油 直销30ml装6.1狂欢特价107.00立即购买澳兰芝玫瑰精油 保加利亚j纯天然植物精油 澳兰芝原装正品30ml装6.1狂欢特价116.00立即购买澳兰芝纯天然薰衣草精油 原产地法国 澳兰芝原装正品20ml装6.1狂欢特价91.30立即购买澳兰芝薰衣草精油 法国纯天然植物精油 原装正品 厂家直销 30ml装6.1狂欢特价96.00立即购买澳兰芝玫瑰精油 纯天然植物精油 原产地保加利亚 厂家直销10ml装6.1狂欢特价70.40立即购买此模板由【超级快车】提供

    OLANZ瘦身精油是采用多种纯天然单方精油配合协同作用调配出的复合精油。有利于皮肤的紧致光滑,消除橘皮肌肤和暗黄不光滑的表皮肌肤。利用精油细小的活性分子,精准快速渗透真皮层,参与全身的血液和淋巴循环,控制水分平衡,加快脂肪代谢和毒素的排导。【产品主要成分】葡萄籽油、胡萝卜籽精油、姜黄精油、迷迭精油、鼠尾草精油 、杜松精油等【产品主要功效】①加快卡路里燃烧,加快脂肪代谢。②促进血液及淋巴循环,增强肌肤活力。③紧致肌肤,让皮肤更加光亮有弹性。④排毒净化,帮助代谢废物。⑤使大脑更清醒,促使身体机能活跃,加强循环的作用。

    Thin Body Essential OilAs a type of compound oils made by a vaiety of pue natual essential oils, OLANZ thin oil can help skin smooth and compact, eliminate cellulite skin and epidemal skin that's not smooth and yellowish. The fine active molecules of the oil can get a apid penetation of the demis and paticipate in blood and lymph ciculation fo a contol of wate balance, acceleating fat metabolism and dischaging toxin.【Main Ingedients】Gape seed oil, caot seed oil, tumeic oil, osemay oil, sage oil, junipe oil, etc.【Main Efficacy】①Acceleate caloie buning and fat metabolism.② Pomote blood and lymphatic ciculation to enhance skin vitality.③ Make the skin fim and moe bight and elastic.④ Puification and eliminating toxin to help waste out.⑤ The bain is sobe, giving you moe enegy to stengthen the ciculation.【Diections fo Use】Method of application: about 4 bottles ae a couse of teatment. Use it on the following steps afte cleansing the skin evey night:① Dip 10 to 20 dops of oil in the palm of you hand and apply them whee thee is obesity.② Use the finge pulp to massage with effots in a way of dawing spials fom up to down, outside to inside until all the oil has been absobed. Pess and push the excess fat with the palm of you hand if necessay.a: Shank / thigh. Massage with cicula movements fom bottom to up.b: Hip. Massage hythmically fom bottom to up until the waist.c: Am. Massage in cicula motions fom wist to shoulde.d: Abdomen. Massage in a clockwise diection aound the navel.e: Waist. Make tansvese cicles at the waist③ Wap youself with plastic wap fo 20 minutes afte the oil is absobed thooughly, when you can do housewok o execise (the latte is bette) until you skin gives off heat and sweat. Then emove the wap and wipe the sweat.Used with the Acupunctue Points:Smea 10-20 dops of essential oil on the abdomen, accompanied by abdominal massage, which is absolutely not ubbing you belly. Selecting the basic acupoint fo massage will play a multiplie effect, which, in etun, can encouage you to confidently expose waistline.Point one: Zhongwan Acupoint is about 4 inches along the abdominal midline above the navel.Point two: Shuifen Acupoint sits almost 1 inch above the navel on the abdominal midline. (Massage thee will help on one hand, emove excess fluid fom the body to avoid edema and on the othe hand, can help gastointestinal motility and abdominal execise in case of pominent belly.Point thee: Qihai Acupoint is about 1.5 inches below the navel point on the abdominal midline.Point fou: about 3 inches down the navel on the abdominal midline is Guanyuan Acupoint. It can effectively suppess appetite by massaging Point thee and Point fou, which is in favo of a unifom distibution of abdominal fat; massaging Tianshu Acupoint can help digestion, tanspot Qi, pomote gastointestinal motility and waste excetion, and what's moe impotant, is moe conducive to eliminating belly fat.Point five: Shuidao Acupoint is about thee inches below the navel, 2 inches fom Guanyuan Acupoint on both left and ight sides.Point six: Tianshu Acupoint is about 2 inches fom the navel on both the ight and left sides with the focus on the left.Acupessue Method & Time: lie on you back in the bed evey moning and evening. Pess on the abdomen 3-4 times fom the uppe to lowe abdomen accoding to method 2, followed by massaging the six points mentioned above with method 1 and method 2. Each point should take about 2 minutes





