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OLANZ柠檬精油 意大利植物精油 保障 厂家直销

有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2018-11-22 06:05
49.50元/ 瓶
10 瓶
10000 瓶

(发货期限:自买家付款之日起 天内发货)


  • 所在地区:广东
  • 收藏本公司 人气:649
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    澳兰芝玫瑰精油 保加利亚j纯天然植物精油 澳兰芝原装正品10ml装狂欢特价56.00立即购买OLANZ柠檬精油 意大利纯天然植物精油 正品保障 厂家直销30ml装狂欢特价89.50立即购买澳兰芝柠檬精油 意大利纯天然植物精华 天然美白精油 直销20ml装狂欢特价80.00立即购买澳兰芝玫瑰精油 纯天然植物精油 原产地保加利亚 厂家直销20ml装狂欢特价108.90立即购买澳兰芝柠檬精油 意大利纯天然植物精华 天然美白精油 直销30ml装狂欢特价107.00立即购买澳兰芝玫瑰精油 保加利亚j纯天然植物精油 澳兰芝原装正品30ml装狂欢特价116.00立即购买澳兰芝纯天然薰衣草精油 原产地法国 澳兰芝原装正品20ml装狂欢特价91.30立即购买澳兰芝薰衣草精油 法国纯天然植物精油 原装正品 厂家直销 30ml装狂欢特价96.00立即购买澳兰芝玫瑰精油 纯天然植物精油 原产地保加利亚 厂家直销10ml装狂欢特价70.40立即购买此模板由【超级快车】提供


    OLANZ lemon oil is made of distilled, extacted fesh lemon peel. In the ealy 20th centuy, it was speculated scuvy was caused by vitamin deficiency. Until the 1930s, “hexuonic acid” was finally sepaated fom lemon juice and was confimed as ascobic acid (an element of vitamin C) with a favoed name as "Mystical Medicine Fuit" afte its chemical stuctue was made clea. The oil is conducive to loweing blood pessue and stopping nosebleed by an impovement in the ciculatoy system, blood ciculation included. With the advanced vaicose veins, it can stengthen the immune system, puify the body, impove digestive system, beak down cellulite as well as teat indigestion and constipation. Headache and migaine headache can also get a pacification and easement fom lemon oil. The oil is also beneficial fo the teatment of athitis and heumatism by the integation of acidic substances within the body. It can also help clean acne, oily skin and hai as well as emove dead skin cells.【Main Ingedients】Cital, camphene, junipe, mycene, loose spiits, linalool, limonene, neoli, neal and so on.【Main Efficacy】① Make skin white and lustous, naow capillaies, pomote collagen poduction and educe melanin.② Soften the skin, peel off aged honiness, cons and wats tumos.③ Dilute the stain, emove and pevent spots.④ Make the skin fim and eliminate winkles⑤ Steilization to enhance immunity.⑥ Make youself efeshed and at ease.【Tips】The lemon oil is photosensitive, so you'd bette not get the skin paint with the oil unde the sun in case of pigmentation.




