OLANZ spot oil is a type of compound oil by the use of a vaiety of pue natual essential oils. The small active molecules of essential oils can apidly and accuately penetate into the demis, beak down the sca tissues fomed befoe, epai boken fibe textue and estoe the collagen stuctue of the basal laye of the skin to make it neatly aanged to maintain the skin's smoothness and gloss, flexibility and toughness fo thoough teatment of vaious scas. The unique LEYA activity facto can get a deep penetation into the skin suface cells, have a apid activation of MB cells on the basal laye fo phagocytic ability to esolve melanin to effectively diect into y tissue of damaged skin, pomote blood ciculation, enhance metabolism of the skin suface, emove sca tissue pigmentation and effectively pomote cell egeneation. It also helps pevent mutation of pigment of damaged skin, smooth lymph ciculation function and estoe nomal skin colo.【Main Ingedients】Gape seed oil, vitamin C, vitamin E, lemon oil, lavende essential oil and peppemint oil.-如果订购数量超过1000pcs,在上述报价的基础上我们将有更多的优惠。-如果订购数量超过5000pcs,我们可按您的要求更换包装。欢迎各界朋友前来参观、考察、洽谈业务。