AVOCADO OIL VIRGINis a highly theapeutic oil which is ich in vitamins A, B1, B2, vitamins Dand E, pantothenic acid, and essential fatty acids.
原生鳄梨油具有很好的医疗效果,富含维生素A, B1, B2, D, E,泛酸(维生素B5)和必须脂肪酸。
AVOCADO OIL VIRGINis obtained by pue cold mechanical pessing fom the feshly fuit pulp of the ipe Avocado pea.
原生鳄梨油取自成熟鳄梨果的新鲜果肉,采用 冷压机械压榨工艺制成。
AVOCADO OIL VIRGINapplies easily, offes deep penetation and significant moistue etention togethe with high nouishing popeties. applies easily, exhibits excellent penetating qualities and significant moistue etention togethe with high nouishing popeties. Highly Recommended fo all skin types.
AVOCADO OIL VIRGINbut paticulaly estoes dy, dehydated, sensitive and matue skin. It is ich, heavy oil that is best blended with othe oils. Skin poblems, especially eczema and psoiasis, espond to its high content of vitamins A and E.
AVOCADO OIL VIRGINis known to have sunsceen popeties, since it blocks the way fo sunays and potects you skin fom hamful UVA adiation.
AVOCADO OIL VIRGINis ich in vitamin E which helps pevent pematue skin aging due to sun exposue.
AVOCADO OIL VIRGINis suitable fo all kinds of cosmetic poducts fom inse-off to leave-on. Its high content in unsaponifiable faction makes it an excellent component fo soap.
May be used in cosmetics, toileties, ba soaps, massage oils, hai cae and sun cae applications.
AVOCADO OIL VIRGINmay be diectly applied as the skin and hai. It may also be easily incopoated as an active ingedient o an excellent caie in skin and hai cae poducts. Its ecommended dosage is between 3 to 10%.
AVOCADO OIL VIRGINis highly ecommended to those with sensitive skin, poblem skin and othe iitations that equie a vitamin ich oil. Also appeciated fo hai and scalp cae due to its natual content of pantothenic acid.
AVOCADO OIL VIRGINis a ich, luxuious and nouishing oil making it ideal as a massage oil. It should be kept in a cool place o efigeated, tightly closed and away fom light exposue.